[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 06/13/2004 by Mort
<--  First Choose an alternative caption:  > Last   -->-->

Now all I have left to do is teach this to mow the lawn.

Then rid us of that pesky monthly issue.

At that point we can safely take all the male ones to puppy lake.


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

Current Users

There have been 302 users in the last 10 minutes.
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:18Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:16Caption #207
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:15Caption #341
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:14Caption #185
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:13Caption #530
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:12Caption #231
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:11Caption #265
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:10Caption #572
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:09Caption #718
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:08Caption #670
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:07Caption #658
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:06Caption #439
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:05Caption #428
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:04Caption #615
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:03Caption #661
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:02Caption #397
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:01Caption #325
Mr. NonameLurker19:32:00Caption #246
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:59Caption #63
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:58Caption #873
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:57Caption #242
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:56Caption #102
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:55Caption #577
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:54Caption #249
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:53Caption #249
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:52Caption #196
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:51Caption #470
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:50Caption #61
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:49Caption #662
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:48Caption #474
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:47Caption #110
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:46Caption #-78
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:45Caption #683
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:44Caption #647
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:43Caption #296
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:42Caption #94
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:41Caption #149
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:40Caption #68
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:39Caption #627
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:38Caption #528
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:37Caption #554
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:36Caption #85
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:35Caption #286
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:34Caption #576
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:33Caption #608
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:32Caption #446
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:31Caption #69
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:30Caption #83
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:29Caption #80
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:28Caption #943
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:26Caption #728
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:25Caption #63
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:23Caption #73
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:21Caption #151
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:19Caption #278
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:17Caption #178
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:15Caption #33
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:14Caption #516
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:13Caption #287
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:11Caption #212
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:10Caption #894
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:08Caption #272
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:06Caption #720
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:04Caption #654
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:03Caption #38
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:02Caption #272
Mr. NonameLurker19:31:00Caption #419
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:57Caption #803
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:53Caption #827
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:52Caption #451
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:50Caption #508
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:49Caption #249
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:47Caption #61
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:46Caption #12
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:44Caption #265
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:43Caption #505
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:41Caption #59
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:39Caption #328
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:37Caption #45
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:36Caption #577
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:34Caption #552
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:31Caption #296
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:27Caption #203
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:26Caption #751
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:25Caption #262
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:24Caption #718
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:21Caption #169
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:18Caption #919
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:17Caption #434
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:14Caption #458
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:13Caption #937
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:12Caption #436
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:11Caption #395
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:10Caption #579
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:08Caption #302
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:07Caption #422
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:06Caption #49
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:05Caption #80
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:04Caption #240
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:03Caption #490
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:01Caption #412
Mr. NonameLurker19:30:00Caption #346
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:58Caption #737
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:56Caption #772
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:54Caption #31
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:51Caption #771
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:49Caption #615
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:47Caption #333
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:45Caption #858
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:42Caption #617
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:41Caption #708
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:40Caption #311
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:38Caption #320
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:36Caption #98
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:35Caption #285
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:34Caption #890
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:32Caption #638
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:31Caption #702
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:30Caption #370
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:29Caption #97
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:27Caption #155
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:25Caption #581
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:24Caption #401
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:23Caption #140
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:22Caption #82
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:21Caption #407
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:20Caption #614
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:18Caption #612
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:17Caption #325
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:15Caption #20
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:12Caption #585
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:11Caption #700
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:10Caption #302
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:09Caption #360
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:07Caption #333
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:06Caption #499
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:03Caption #761
Mr. NonameLurker19:29:00Caption #431
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:57Caption #529
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:56Caption #953
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:55Caption #723
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:53Caption #335
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:50Caption #285
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:48Caption #385
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:47Caption #534
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:44Caption #380
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:42Caption #672
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:40Caption #206
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:39Caption #559
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:38Caption #877
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:37Caption #729
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:36Caption #479
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:35Caption #660
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:33Caption #749
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:32Caption #252
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:31Caption #515
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:29Caption #670
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:27Caption #338
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:25Caption #723
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:23Caption #649
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:20Caption #800
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:19Caption #375
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:18Caption #168
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:17Caption #39
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:16Caption #684
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:15Caption #283
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:11Caption #424
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:10Caption #433
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:09Caption #911
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:07Caption #251
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:06Caption #941
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:05Caption #396
Mr. NonameLurker19:28:03Caption #543
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:58Caption #401
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:56Caption #193
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:55Caption #225
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:54Caption #84
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:53Caption #488
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:52Caption #179
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:51Caption #388
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:49Caption #674
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:46Caption #604
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:42Caption #433
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:37Caption #188
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:34Caption #471
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:33Caption #234
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:31Caption #571
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:30Caption #207
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:29Caption #432
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:28Caption #743
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:26Caption #388
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:24Caption #391
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:23Caption #19
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:21Caption #455
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:17Caption #499
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:15Caption #721
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:14Caption #225
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:12Caption #208
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:11Caption #565
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:10Caption #774
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:09Caption #913
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:07Caption #777
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:05Caption #94
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:04Caption #222
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:03Caption #161
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:01Caption #355
Mr. NonameLurker19:27:00Caption #420
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:57Caption #252
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:56Caption #411
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:53Caption #599
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:52Caption #467
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:49Caption #113
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:48Caption #425
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:47Caption #57
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:46Caption #478
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:43Caption #868
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:39Caption #318
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:38Caption #794
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:30Caption #249
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:27Caption #260
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:26Caption #686
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:22Caption #742
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:21Caption #673
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:17Caption #502
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:14Caption #86
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:13Caption #622
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:12Caption #739
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:09Caption #464
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:06Caption #391
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:04Caption #572
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:02Caption #298
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:01Caption #470
Mr. NonameLurker19:26:00Caption #699
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:58Caption #696
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:55Caption #668
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:54Caption #386
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:49Caption #295
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:45Caption #265
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:41Caption #654
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:36Caption #102
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:32Caption #872
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:30Caption #632
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:29Caption #198
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:27Caption #24
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:25Caption #355
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:24Caption #241
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:23Caption #436
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:22Caption #217
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:18Caption #739
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:17Caption #464
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:16Caption #34
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:13Caption #645
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:12Caption #335
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:11Caption #182
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:09Caption #133
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:08Caption #88
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:04Caption #15
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:00Caption #738
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:59Caption #325
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:57Caption #230
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:53Caption #204
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:52Caption #370
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:46Caption #417
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:44Caption #86
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:41Caption #272
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:40Caption #192
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:37Caption #247
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:35Caption #395
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:34Caption #373
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:21Caption #414
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:19Caption #464
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:18Caption #249
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:17Caption #305
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:09Caption #386
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:08Caption #267
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:06Caption #258
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:05Caption #70
Mr. NonameLurker19:24:01Caption #442
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:57Caption #926
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:56Caption #340
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:53Caption #145
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:44Caption #105
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:40Caption #387
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:38Caption #379
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:37Caption #199
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:32Caption #83
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:26Caption #455
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:19Caption #189
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:17Caption #2
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:15Caption #878
Mr. NonameLurker19:23:07Caption #414
Mr. NonameLurker19:22:54Caption #335
Mr. NonameLurker19:22:50Caption #33
Mr. NonameLurker19:22:45Caption #2
Mr. NonameLurker19:22:43Caption #51
Mr. NonameLurker19:22:42Caption #425
Mr. NonameLurker19:22:37Caption #593
Mr. NonameLurker19:22:35Caption #442
Mr. NonameLurker19:22:34Caption #648
Mr. NonameLurker19:22:29Caption #131
Mr. NonameLurker19:22:21Caption #444
Mr. NonameLurker19:22:19Caption #583

Board [Post Message]

The webserver was down like a 14 year old listening to Evanescence in a darkened room while crying, now mere hours later it is up again happily blogging to the internet, with no memory of why it was down in the first place.

There are 8 messages for this day.
<apple juice is a verb> Lines like that are why you should not avoid ranting, Mort.
<guyPaulo> I concur. There's nothing like a good rant to start the week.
<Mort> And thats nothing like a good rant?
<guyPaulo> Here's a request Mort: When you are on an alternative caption and you pull down the little menu, the original caption doesn't have the number of comments beside it like the alt-captions do. Can you put the number of general comments on the board next to the word "Original" in the menu?
<mypalmike> And while you're at it, make all the text in the history section blink.
<Mort> How about I make font colour of all of Mike's captions white?
<guyPaulo> You know, the CUSTOMER is supposed to always be right when I go to McDonalds. And I usually don't get sarcastic comments when I order the fillet of fish sandwich.
<mypalmike> But the non-paying LOAFER is never right.

Post message:

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