[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 03/17/2004 by Mort
<--  First Choose an alternative caption:  > Last   -->-->

Girlfriend, I just picked up the weirdest little John!
He was a koala bear, he took me to a hotel room, then went down on me with his funky little tongue.

Then he started to walk out without leaving me money.

Damn! I hope you told him to look up prostitute in a dictionary.

"Prostitute: one who receives money for sex."

Oh don't you worry I totally did, but he told me to look up koala...

"Koala: an Austrailian mammal who eats bush and leaves."
(Bathroom Mania)
(Bathroom Mania)


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker09:38:37Caption #-4
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Mr. NonameLurker09:28:57Caption #228
Mr. NonameLurker09:28:55Caption #117
Mr. NonameLurker09:28:54Caption #536
Mr. NonameLurker09:28:51Caption #188
Mr. NonameLurker09:28:50Caption #11
Mr. NonameLurker09:28:47Caption #334
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Mr. NonameLurker09:28:41Caption #463
Mr. NonameLurker09:28:39Caption #699

Board [Post Message]

OMG!!1!! A joke on Mostemailed, it must be a first!!

There are 26 messages for this day.
<David Byrden> HA HA HA
<Mark> Okay .. it's CAPTION TIME! I'm tanked up on red wine and it's time to let fly. Mort, if you will allow me, I hereby decree this day as BITTER AND TWISTED day.

Well, it'll be that for me atleast ...

<Carol> That's kind of redundant isn't it? Kind of like "Crass Day."
<ElvisThePelvis> Excellent caption...bitter and twisted day it is...
<Mark> Come on Elvis .. I want to see something twisted. Well, more twisted than normal ..
<Mark> I'm going interstate in 10 hours .. see my sister get married (again) .. please, give me something to chuckle over whilst I'm there. I mean .. sheesh .. it's a friggin 50's "happy says" wedding, complete with Elvis holding the cerimony. I'm going to need help with this one guys ..
<ElvieThePelvis> Shit I'm late for that wedding...
<Carol> Please someone tell me what famous painting that koala pose reminds me of. It's going to drive me bats.
<Mark> Hey, I just read up on the koala thing .. it happened outside of Chirchill, Victoria, Australia .. Man, I used work at Monash Uni out there a few years back, and spent some 6 years growing up out there. Freaky!
<guyPaulo> Mark is already on his 2nd bottle of burgundy.
<guyPaulo> I'll be leaving shortly for a business trip out of town and won't be back till Monday. Have a good weekend all!
<Lauren> Message to pessimist Mark: May you sister's wedding be less awful than you are probably hoping it will be.

Have a great trip, guy. We'll miss you.

<Lauren> Oh, yeh, I know that joke, Mort!!11!
<Kumiho> Sorry guys, I just can't make this one work.
<Kumiho> How's this for scary?
<mountaineer> Hug the puffball. Love the puffball.
<Mort> If ever my hair gets confused and leaves my head forever, then I shall place a puffball on my head and colour it blue.
<mountaineer> The claws will surely hold it in place. You would only have to provide a, um, receptacle for, um, things.
<Mort> I heard that it was a healthy source of vitamin B16, and is very similar to carrot juice.
<yeah> Dude this so is not right
<Dude> Yeah, it is messed up big time.
<Mort> Dammit why do I always mess up?
<3Suns> probably because you have an angora rabbit on your head and you can't see.
<Mark> I for one welcome our new angora rabbit overlords (on a side note .. T minus 2 hrs until I'm out of here)
<Lauren> I miss mypalmike. anyone know where he got to?
<3Suns> I think we scared him off last week with our "Make fun of mypalmike day". Not that it wasn't his idea in the first place...

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