[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 06/16/2004 by Mort
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Yeh you see, this was my favourite role. In this one I'm playing Britney's left boob holder.

Man that role was a stretch, but kinda enjoyable, if you know what I mean.

My next one was an action film. I got involved in quite a few stunts, really helped my resume, and I got paid "danger" money.

There I am, the middle cone, you can see me wearing my white SPG badge.

Yeh this one wasn't so much fun, on the set of The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course. Not even sure I want people to know I was in that one.

You can see me there, as the crotch of Steve Irwin's cheap polyester pants.

It's not all glam being a screen plastic I can tell you!


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker16:25:37Caption #724
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Mr. NonameLurker16:23:56Caption #167
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Mr. NonameLurker16:18:26Caption #468
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Mr. NonameLurker16:18:21Caption #761
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Mr. NonameLurker16:18:09Caption #364
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Mr. NonameLurker16:18:04Caption #112
Mr. NonameLurker16:18:03Caption #89
Mr. NonameLurker16:18:02Caption #739
Mr. NonameLurker16:18:01Caption #648
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:59Caption #709
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:56Caption #649
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Mr. NonameLurker16:17:51Caption #733
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Mr. NonameLurker16:17:46Caption #147
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Mr. NonameLurker16:17:43Caption #722
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:40Caption #653
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Mr. NonameLurker16:17:35Caption #547
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:33Caption #568
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:32Caption #529
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Mr. NonameLurker16:17:26Caption #382
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Mr. NonameLurker16:17:24Caption #327
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:21Caption #481
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:20Caption #413
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:18Caption #469
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:17Caption #594
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:16Caption #653
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:14Caption #246
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:12Caption #443
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:11Caption #653
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:08Caption #444
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:05Caption #776
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:04Caption #296
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:02Caption #626
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:01Caption #662
Mr. NonameLurker16:17:00Caption #774
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:56Caption #775
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:53Caption #339
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:52Caption #918
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:48Caption #319
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:46Caption #73
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:44Caption #919
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:43Caption #319
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:40Caption #920
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:38Caption #775
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:37Caption #921
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:36Caption #295
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:32Caption #297
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:30Caption #921
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:28Caption #447
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:26Caption #81
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:24Caption #270
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:23Caption #143
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:20Caption #530
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:17Caption #707
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:16Caption #531
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:14Caption #606
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:13Caption #16
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:12Caption #399
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:11Caption #620
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:09Caption #213
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:08Caption #533
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:07Caption #615
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:05Caption #246
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:04Caption #806
Mr. NonameLurker16:16:00Caption #535
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:57Caption #364
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:56Caption #284
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:55Caption #352
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:52Caption #536
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:50Caption #284
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:49Caption #0
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:48Caption #537
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:46Caption #639
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:44Caption #538
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:41Caption #468
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:40Caption #539
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:39Caption #446
Mr. NonameLurker16:15:37Caption #57

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