[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 11/20/2003 by Mort
<--  First Choose an alternative caption:  > Last   -->-->

Crashed onto strange planet. Inhabitants semi-intelligent apes. Some language skills.

Had a skirmish with apes. Was captured. Brought to the ape leader: Dr. Zaius.

Befriended native girl. Gained trust using interspecies relations. Escaped with her help. not without some physical cost.

Managed to get to beach. Confused about why this strange world is controlled by intelligent apes.

Wait, what is that in the distance??



The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker21:17:31Caption #-27
Mr. NonameLurker21:17:30Caption #644
Mr. NonameLurker21:17:29Caption #407
Mr. NonameLurker21:17:28Caption #213
Mr. NonameLurker21:17:27Caption #663
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Mr. NonameLurker21:17:24Caption #444
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Mr. NonameLurker21:17:21Caption #409
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Mr. NonameLurker21:17:16Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker21:17:14Caption #411
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Mr. NonameLurker21:17:12Caption #153
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Mr. NonameLurker21:16:49Caption #861
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Mr. NonameLurker21:16:33Caption #675
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Mr. NonameLurker21:16:25Caption #351
Mr. NonameLurker21:16:24Caption #529
Mr. NonameLurker21:16:23Caption #625
Mr. NonameLurker21:16:22Caption #675
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Mr. NonameLurker21:16:19Caption #205
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Mr. NonameLurker21:16:17Caption #242
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Mr. NonameLurker21:16:15Caption #239
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Mr. NonameLurker21:16:13Caption #770
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Mr. NonameLurker21:16:02Caption #794
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Mr. NonameLurker21:15:35Caption #351
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Mr. NonameLurker21:15:29Caption #134
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Mr. NonameLurker21:15:27Caption #84
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Mr. NonameLurker21:15:25Caption #135
Mr. NonameLurker21:15:23Caption #666
Mr. NonameLurker21:15:22Caption #182
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Mr. NonameLurker21:15:14Caption #136
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Mr. NonameLurker21:14:59Caption #126
Mr. NonameLurker21:14:58Caption #644
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Mr. NonameLurker21:14:56Caption #840
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Mr. NonameLurker21:14:52Caption #93
Mr. NonameLurker21:14:51Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker21:14:50Caption #548
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Mr. NonameLurker21:14:48Caption #643
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Mr. NonameLurker21:14:20Caption #564
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Mr. NonameLurker21:14:10Caption #619
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Mr. NonameLurker21:13:31Caption #372
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Mr. NonameLurker21:13:28Caption #732
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:27Caption #825
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:26Caption #21
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:25Caption #861
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:22Caption #142
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:21Caption #235
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:17Caption #131
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:15Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:14Caption #179
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:13Caption #237
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:12Caption #309
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:09Caption #238
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:08Caption #837
Mr. NonameLurker21:13:07Caption #675
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Mr. NonameLurker21:12:58Caption #541
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Mr. NonameLurker21:12:53Caption #297
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:51Caption #965
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:50Caption #739
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:49Caption #802
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Mr. NonameLurker21:12:46Caption #725
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:44Caption #829
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:43Caption #605
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:42Caption #256
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:40Caption #651
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:39Caption #396
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:38Caption #725
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:35Caption #73
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:34Caption #575
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:32Caption #766
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:31Caption #221
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:29Caption #719
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:28Caption #297
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:27Caption #575
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:26Caption #258
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:24Caption #707
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:22Caption #719
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:21Caption #257
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:18Caption #716
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:17Caption #616
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:16Caption #76
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Mr. NonameLurker21:12:13Caption #266
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:12Caption #559
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:11Caption #621
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:10Caption #675
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:09Caption #261
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:08Caption #72
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:07Caption #691
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Mr. NonameLurker21:12:04Caption #220
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:03Caption #66
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:01Caption #482
Mr. NonameLurker21:12:00Caption #210
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:59Caption #202
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:58Caption #766
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:57Caption #837
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:56Caption #259
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:55Caption #482
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:53Caption #838
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:49Caption #839
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:48Caption #670
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:45Caption #840
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:44Caption #457
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:43Caption #376
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:41Caption #263
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:40Caption #637
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:39Caption #840
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:38Caption #651
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:37Caption #264
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:35Caption #803
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:34Caption #175
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:33Caption #137
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:30Caption #131
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:25Caption #139
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:24Caption #213
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:22Caption #422
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:21Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:20Caption #397
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:18Caption #615
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:16Caption #668
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:14Caption #743
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:13Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:12Caption #75
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:11Caption #328
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:10Caption #641
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:09Caption #744
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:08Caption #611
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:06Caption #209
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:05Caption #317
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:04Caption #744
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:02Caption #210
Mr. NonameLurker21:11:01Caption #212
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:59Caption #874
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:58Caption #139
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:57Caption #211
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:56Caption #519
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:55Caption #264
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:54Caption #177
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:53Caption #368
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:52Caption #236
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:50Caption #211
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:47Caption #50
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:46Caption #598
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:43Caption #369
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:41Caption #200
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:39Caption #412
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:37Caption #-2
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:36Caption #192
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:35Caption #7
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:34Caption #-3
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:31Caption #637
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:30Caption #-4
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:26Caption #748
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:25Caption #-5
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:23Caption #199
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:22Caption #184
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:20Caption #830
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:19Caption #489
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:18Caption #886
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:16Caption #317
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:14Caption #271
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:13Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:12Caption #722
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:11Caption #441
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:09Caption #-9
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:08Caption #583
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:07Caption #130
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:06Caption #0
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:05Caption #901
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:03Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:01Caption #-11
Mr. NonameLurker21:10:00Caption #466
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:57Caption #-12
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:56Caption #284
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:54Caption #194
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:53Caption #444
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:52Caption #76
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:49Caption #603
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:46Caption #604
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:45Caption #97
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:42Caption #06
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:40Caption #422
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:38Caption #604
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:37Caption #-13
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:36Caption #424
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:35Caption #06
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:34Caption #873
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:33Caption #728
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:30Caption #679
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:29Caption #-15
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:25Caption #-16
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:24Caption #901
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:23Caption #312
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:22Caption #443
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:21Caption #-17
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:20Caption #87
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:18Caption #404
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:16Caption #767
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:15Caption #36
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:14Caption #708
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:13Caption #758
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:12Caption #-18
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:10Caption #8
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:09Caption #68
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:06Caption #507
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:05Caption #591
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:03Caption #68
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:02Caption #708
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:01Caption #592
Mr. NonameLurker21:09:00Caption #341
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:58Caption #27
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:57Caption #284
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:56Caption #885
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:54Caption #592
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:53Caption #124
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:52Caption #284
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:51Caption #360
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:47Caption #124
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:46Caption #543
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:43Caption #761
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:42Caption #151
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:41Caption #940
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:40Caption #527
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:39Caption #223
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:38Caption #490
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:36Caption #939
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:35Caption #592
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:33Caption #153
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:31Caption #217
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:30Caption #165
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:29Caption #301
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:26Caption #92
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:24Caption #932
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:21Caption #717
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:20Caption #529
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:19Caption #803
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:17Caption #294
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:16Caption #835
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:15Caption #154
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:14Caption #717
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:13Caption #844
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:12Caption #612
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:11Caption #294
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:09Caption #30
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:07Caption #445
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:05Caption #899
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:04Caption #415
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:03Caption #690
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:02Caption #55
Mr. NonameLurker21:08:01Caption #32
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:58Caption #844
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:57Caption #629
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:56Caption #216
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:55Caption #38
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:53Caption #32
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:50Caption #313
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:49Caption #95
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:48Caption #303
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:45Caption #96
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:43Caption #639
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:42Caption #588
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:41Caption #291
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:40Caption #153
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:39Caption #86
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:38Caption #96
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:37Caption #292
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:35Caption #970
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:34Caption #851
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:33Caption #293
Mr. NonameLurker21:07:31Caption #518

Board [Post Message]

As Foiba says, "Don't make me explain the importance of the first planet of the apes movie".

There are 9 messages for this day.
<TJ Eckleburg> That ape should end up in the fortunate fortunes - Mort, will you open up a contest to the caption monkeys to write the fortune for that ape?
<Mort> I'm always up for new and better fortunes.
Have at it.
<TJ Eckleburg> Grim Gorilla
Grim Gorilla - Disapproval of your punk *ss ways

You think you're so smart? I've seen your type before, and none of you has ever amounted to anything. Stick with the plan, listen to what I've told you before.

Today's tip: Fear change.

<Mort> Looks good, I'll put it in this weekend.
Unless someone can do better...
<yoyology> Albino Gorilla - The Great White Hope

The universe smiles upon you. All of your sins are forgiven, you find the love of a good woman/man/significant life partner, and you begin growing a crop of luxurious blonde hair. Unfortunately, you are struck by a falling meteor 20 minutes later.

Today's tip: DUCK!
<yoyology> By the way, I think this is one of your best captions to date, Mort. Loved it!
<ssiegel> but could you ask foiba to at least explain MAIS II?
<Mort> Sue, darling, it's all about the lens flare.

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