[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos GUEST DAY! - 04/12/2005 by Axolotl
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Yes, I may have commited adultery in my heart once or twice, but I didnĀ“t expect a kind of Spanish Inqui...


Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the dead Pope....

Do I really have to go thrpugh all this to get my superfreaky real estate licence?


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker19:52:49drooled over #0
Mr. NonameLurker11:59:51drooled over #0
Mr. NonameLurker14:13:00drooled over #2
Mr. NonameLurker06:44:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:25Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker05:18:28Caption #99
Mr. NonameLurker05:18:26Caption #250
Mr. NonameLurker05:18:24Caption #206
Mr. NonameLurker05:18:20Caption #207
Mr. NonameLurker05:18:19Caption #774
Mr. NonameLurker05:18:16Caption #257
Mr. NonameLurker05:18:15Caption #103
Mr. NonameLurker05:18:12Caption #447
Mr. NonameLurker05:18:04Caption #257
Mr. NonameLurker05:18:00Caption #5
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:56Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:52Caption #7
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:51Caption #760
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:50Caption #447
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:48Caption #218
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:44Caption #219
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:40Caption #220
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:39Caption #698
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:38Caption #643
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:37Caption #884
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:36Caption #309
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:35Caption #283
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:33Caption #221
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:29Caption #2
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:28Caption #208
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:24Caption #223
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:20Caption #224
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:19Caption #244
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:17Caption #540
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:16Caption #225
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:12Caption #354
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:08Caption #355
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:05Caption #478
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:04Caption #654
Mr. NonameLurker05:17:00Caption #655
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:56Caption #656
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:53Caption #933
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:52Caption #657
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:48Caption #226
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:45Caption #658
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:42Caption #355
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:40Caption #542
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:36Caption #543
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:32Caption #544
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:29Caption #425
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:28Caption #545
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:26Caption #398
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:24Caption #536
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:20Caption #853
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:19Caption #692
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:16Caption #854
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:14Caption #259
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:13Caption #614
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:12Caption #855
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:08Caption #81
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:04Caption #6
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:01Caption #855
Mr. NonameLurker05:16:00Caption #7
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:56Caption #81
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:54Caption #542
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:52Caption #9
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:49Caption #680
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:48Caption #10
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:44Caption #11
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:43Caption #861
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:41Caption #536
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:40Caption #12
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:36Caption #13
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:33Caption #771
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:32Caption #16
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:31Caption #595
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:28Caption #15
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:24Caption #14
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:20Caption #546
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:19Caption #14
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:17Caption #392
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:12Caption #393
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:08Caption #474
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:05Caption #689
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:04Caption #387
Mr. NonameLurker05:15:00Caption #388
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:56Caption #523
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:55Caption #521
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:54Caption #214
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:52Caption #388
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:48Caption #180
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:44Caption #181
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:40Caption #524
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:39Caption #181
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:37Caption #709
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:32Caption #710
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:28Caption #711
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:27Caption #861
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:24Caption #161
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:20Caption #162
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:16Caption #712
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:14Caption #162
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:12Caption #713
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:08Caption #714
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:04Caption #870
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:01Caption #714
Mr. NonameLurker05:14:00Caption #871
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:58Caption #540
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:56Caption #854
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:52Caption #855
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:51Caption #721
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:48Caption #856
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:44Caption #694
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:42Caption #826
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:40Caption #857
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:37Caption #694
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:36Caption #365
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:32Caption #366
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:28Caption #359
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:26Caption #370
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:24Caption #-15
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:20Caption #517
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:18Caption #447
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:16Caption #518
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:15Caption #447
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:12Caption #506
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:08Caption #507
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:07Caption #4
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:04Caption #626
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:01Caption #226
Mr. NonameLurker05:13:00Caption #162
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:56Caption #628
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:52Caption #180
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:50Caption #115
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:48Caption #181
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Mr. NonameLurker05:12:40Caption #428
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:39Caption #708
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:36Caption #429
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:32Caption #430
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:28Caption #991
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:24Caption #425
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:20Caption #426
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:16Caption #431
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:15Caption #426
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:13Caption #390
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:12Caption #432
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:10Caption #9
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:09Caption #707
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:07Caption #503
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:05Caption #585
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:04Caption #10
Mr. NonameLurker05:12:00Caption #148
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:56Caption #10
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:52Caption #556
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:48Caption #557
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:44Caption #558
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:42Caption #895
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:40Caption #559
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:37Caption #616
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:36Caption #613
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:35Caption #248
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:32Caption #614
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:29Caption #81
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:28Caption #771
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:27Caption #209
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:25Caption #614
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:24Caption #53
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:20Caption #54
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:16Caption #55
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:12Caption #56
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:08Caption #57
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:04Caption #58
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:02Caption #565
Mr. NonameLurker05:11:00Caption #104
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:59Caption #58
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:56Caption #773
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:52Caption #67
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:50Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:48Caption #409
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:44Caption #842
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:40Caption #250
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:36Caption #251
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:33Caption #151
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:32Caption #435
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:31Caption #251
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:30Caption #506
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:28Caption #436
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:27Caption #926
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:24Caption #437
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:20Caption #438
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:18Caption #98
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:16Caption #439
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:12Caption #440
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:11Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:09Caption #441
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:04Caption #442
Mr. NonameLurker05:10:00Caption #446
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:56Caption #443
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:52Caption #498
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:48Caption #122
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:44Caption #123
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:40Caption #117
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:39Caption #30
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:38Caption #89
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:37Caption #487
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:36Caption #118
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:33Caption #575
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:32Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:28Caption #0
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:27Caption #381
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:26Caption #151
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:25Caption #-72
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:24Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:20Caption #119
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:16Caption #11
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:14Caption #53
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:13Caption #119
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:12Caption #110
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:08Caption #13
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:04Caption #14
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:03Caption #230
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:02Caption #854
Mr. NonameLurker05:09:00Caption #15
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:57Caption #698
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:56Caption #124
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:53Caption #15
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:52Caption #346
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:48Caption #347
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:44Caption #348
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:42Caption #343
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:40Caption #349
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:37Caption #706
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:36Caption #125
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:34Caption #899
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:33Caption #67
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:32Caption #349
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:29Caption #95
Mr. NonameLurker05:08:28Caption #866

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