[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos GUEST DAY! - 09/03/2003 by the bartender
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"Man, Laura, I'm so coked up right now, you look like a Scottish Terrier."

"Uncle Dick! You look like a...you look like...man, a lemur? I don't remember what those are. What the hell did I learn in college?"

"Oh yeah."


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker17:14:55Caption #152
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:54Caption #933
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:50Caption #934
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:46Caption #935
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:42Caption #576
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:40Caption #386
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:38Caption #577
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:35Caption #252
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:34Caption #578
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:30Caption #111
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:26Caption #868
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:23Caption #111
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:22Caption #869
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:20Caption #578
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:18Caption #870
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:16Caption #800
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:15Caption #36
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:14Caption #871
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:13Caption #465
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:12Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker17:14:10Caption #556
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Mr. NonameLurker17:13:59Caption #790
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Mr. NonameLurker17:13:56Caption #983
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Mr. NonameLurker17:13:52Caption #428
Mr. NonameLurker17:13:51Caption #597
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Mr. NonameLurker17:13:26Caption #257
Mr. NonameLurker17:13:25Caption #75
Mr. NonameLurker17:13:24Caption #516
Mr. NonameLurker17:13:22Caption #339
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Mr. NonameLurker17:13:18Caption #257
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Mr. NonameLurker17:13:13Caption #123
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Mr. NonameLurker17:12:54Caption #667
Mr. NonameLurker17:12:50Caption #784
Mr. NonameLurker17:12:46Caption #669
Mr. NonameLurker17:12:42Caption #777
Mr. NonameLurker17:12:38Caption #235
Mr. NonameLurker17:12:34Caption #571
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Mr. NonameLurker17:12:18Caption #778
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Mr. NonameLurker17:12:14Caption #724
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Mr. NonameLurker17:11:54Caption #461
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:53Caption #575
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:52Caption #313
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:50Caption #225
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:47Caption #461
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:46Caption #387
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:43Caption #225
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:42Caption #388
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:38Caption #389
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Mr. NonameLurker17:11:33Caption #189
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Mr. NonameLurker17:11:26Caption #395
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:25Caption #262
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:22Caption #309
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:18Caption #733
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:16Caption #877
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:14Caption #878
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:10Caption #734
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:06Caption #310
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:03Caption #789
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:02Caption #879
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:01Caption #734
Mr. NonameLurker17:11:00Caption #395
Mr. NonameLurker17:10:59Caption #706
Mr. NonameLurker17:10:58Caption #880
Mr. NonameLurker17:10:56Caption #233
Mr. NonameLurker17:10:54Caption #579
Mr. NonameLurker17:10:52Caption #148
Mr. NonameLurker17:10:50Caption #580
Mr. NonameLurker17:10:46Caption #600
Mr. NonameLurker17:10:45Caption #1
Mr. NonameLurker17:10:43Caption #292
Mr. NonameLurker17:10:42Caption #715
Mr. NonameLurker17:10:38Caption #529

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