[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 07/27/2003 by Mort
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This week on SaddamaMan at the grand SaddamaMan Zoo:

Bear: SaddamaMan, I ate the chemical weapons as you asked, but BushMan's henchmen are on to me. Arggh! Not the cavity search!
Save me Saddamaman!

And in the secret Zoo testing labs:

Mice:SaddamaMan, we licked up the mustard gas, now our fur is blue, our eyes are yellow and our children keep asking for ketchup.
Save us SaddamaMan!

Meanwhile thousands of miles away in the middle of the ocean, in the much disguised Saddamobile:

BinLadenMan:Can't this thing go any faster SaddamaMan?
We must complete our genius escape by disguising ourselves as Bangkok lady-men.
SaddamaMan:Sacred tricky chicks BinLadenMan!



The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker15:39:56Caption #972
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:54Caption #798
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:53Caption #426
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:51Caption #382
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:50Caption #405
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:49Caption #625
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:48Caption #53
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:47Caption #262
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:46Caption #908
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:45Caption #547
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:44Caption #669
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:43Caption #36
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:42Caption #374
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:41Caption #704
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Mr. NonameLurker15:39:34Caption #422
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:33Caption #599
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:32Caption #420
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:31Caption #823
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:30Caption #431
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:29Caption #600
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:27Caption #11
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:25Caption #408
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:21Caption #602
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:20Caption #39
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:19Caption #28
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:17Caption #470
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:16Caption #405
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:15Caption #140
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:13Caption #285
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:12Caption #159
Mr. NonameLurker15:39:11Main Page
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Mr. NonameLurker15:38:50Caption #609
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:49Caption #203
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:46Caption #148
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:45Caption #20
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:42Caption #219
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:41Caption #385
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:40Caption #241
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:37Caption #300
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:36Caption #404
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:34Caption #497
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Mr. NonameLurker15:38:25Caption #531
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Mr. NonameLurker15:38:23Caption #590
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Mr. NonameLurker15:38:16Caption #672
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:15Caption #226
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:14Caption #1
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Mr. NonameLurker15:38:08Caption #526
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Mr. NonameLurker15:38:03Caption #504
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:01Caption #739
Mr. NonameLurker15:38:00Caption #185
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:59Caption #249
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:57Caption #740
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:56Caption #444
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:55Caption #240
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:53Caption #25
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Mr. NonameLurker15:37:50Caption #739
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:49Caption #113
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:46Caption #315
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:45Caption #106
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:44Caption #473
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Mr. NonameLurker15:37:41Caption #767
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:39Caption #7
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Mr. NonameLurker15:37:37Caption #670
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:35Caption #650
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Mr. NonameLurker15:37:20Caption #252
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:19Caption #263
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:18Caption #656
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:17Caption #552
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:16Caption #430
Mr. NonameLurker15:37:15Caption #217
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Mr. NonameLurker15:37:13Caption #197
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Mr. NonameLurker15:37:04Caption #473
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Mr. NonameLurker15:36:56Caption #255
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Mr. NonameLurker15:36:43Caption #474
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Mr. NonameLurker15:36:37Caption #304
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Mr. NonameLurker15:36:33Caption #683
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Mr. NonameLurker15:36:27Caption #76
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:26Caption #303
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:25Caption #693
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:23Caption #448
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:21Caption #705
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:19Caption #511
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:18Caption #485
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:17Caption #517
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:15Caption #628
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:14Caption #255
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:13Caption #292
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:12Caption #499
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:11Caption #382
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:10Caption #69
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:09Caption #312
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:08Caption #849
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:07Caption #380
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:05Caption #939
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:04Caption #379
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:03Caption #695
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:01Caption #694
Mr. NonameLurker15:36:00Caption #518
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:59Caption #882
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:58Caption #262
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:57Caption #547
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:56Caption #5
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:53Caption #780
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:49Caption #758
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:48Caption #827
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:47Caption #866
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:46Caption #784
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:45Caption #766
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:44Caption #158
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:42Caption #587
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:41Caption #848
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:37Caption #31
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:35Caption #536
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:33Caption #252
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:31Caption #831
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:29Caption #103
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:27Caption #595
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:26Caption #97
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:25Caption #645
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:21Caption #559
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:20Caption #358
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:19Caption #171
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:18Caption #462
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:17Caption #786
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:16Caption #99
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:15Caption #650
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:14Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:13Caption #246
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:10Caption #306
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:09Caption #635
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:08Caption #561
Mr. NonameLurker15:35:05Caption #332

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