[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 04/25/2005 by Mort
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The labors of Dogcules.

Bite the head off the Nimean Tiger.

Brave the firey ring of Richard Gere.


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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There have been 58 users in the last 10 minutes.
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:34Caption #959
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:33Caption #737
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:32Caption #505
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:30Caption #196
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:29Caption #429
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:28Caption #5
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:27Caption #357
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:24Caption #353
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:19Caption #447
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:16Caption #375
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:15Caption #726
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:12Caption #232
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:10Caption #511
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:06Caption #394
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:02Caption #326
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:01Caption #723
Mr. NonameLurker11:03:00Caption #320
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:58Caption #581
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:53Caption #74
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:52Caption #415
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:46Caption #57
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:42Caption #10
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:40Caption #843
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:35Caption #719
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:28Caption #397
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:25Caption #689
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:24Caption #955
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:23Caption #732
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:22Caption #564
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:19Caption #779
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:18Caption #12
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:16Caption #792
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:15Caption #566
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:14Caption #394
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:13Caption #423
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:11Caption #321
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:07Caption #9
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:04Caption #1
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:03Caption #313
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:02Caption #102
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:01Caption #163
Mr. NonameLurker11:02:00Caption #855
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:59Caption #640
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:58Caption #79
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:57Caption #375
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:56Caption #93
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:55Caption #195
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:54Caption #102
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:53Caption #271
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:52Caption #314
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:51Caption #810
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:50Caption #902
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:49Caption #146
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:48Caption #158
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:47Caption #228
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:46Caption #629
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:45Caption #666
Mr. NonameLurker11:01:44Caption #782

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