[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 01/23/2005 by 3Suns
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"Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas."

"If variety is the spice of life, marriage is the big can of leftover Spam."

"The difference between a divorce and a legal separation is that a legal separation gives a husband time to hide his money"


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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There have been 150 users in the last 10 minutes.
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:31Caption #823
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:30Caption #590
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:29Caption #512
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:27Caption #662
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:26Caption #519
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:25Caption #832
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:23Caption #817
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:21Caption #474
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:18Caption #70
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:17Caption #459
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:16Caption #926
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:15Caption #727
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:14Caption #319
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:13Caption #308
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:11Caption #30
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:09Caption #443
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:07Caption #304
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:05Caption #55
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:04Caption #659
Mr. NonameLurker04:51:01Caption #297
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:58Caption #275
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:57Caption #169
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:56Caption #741
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:54Caption #726
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:53Caption #602
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:52Caption #278
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:51Caption #653
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:49Caption #462
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:48Caption #81
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:47Caption #398
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:46Caption #125
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:45Caption #152
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:44Caption #888
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:43Caption #842
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:42Caption #935
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:41Caption #337
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:40Caption #180
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:39Caption #43
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:37Caption #858
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:36Caption #895
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:35Caption #466
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:33Caption #148
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:31Caption #327
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:30Caption #185
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:29Caption #412
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:28Caption #265
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:27Caption #339
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:25Caption #176
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:23Caption #768
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:22Caption #770
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:21Caption #146
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:20Caption #295
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:17Caption #872
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:14Caption #748
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:13Caption #164
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:12Caption #666
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:11Caption #65
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:09Caption #179
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:07Caption #19
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:05Caption #747
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:02Caption #2
Mr. NonameLurker04:50:01Caption #802
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:57Caption #218
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:55Caption #56
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:54Caption #528
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:53Caption #169
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:52Caption #803
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:51Caption #690
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:50Caption #25
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:49Caption #69
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:48Caption #459
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:46Caption #576
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:45Caption #404
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:44Caption #421
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:43Caption #455
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:42Caption #790
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:41Caption #107
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:40Caption #534
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:39Caption #843
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:38Caption #226
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:37Caption #754
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:36Caption #248
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:35Caption #333
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:34Caption #592
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:33Caption #109
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:32Caption #743
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:31Caption #719
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:30Caption #260
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:29Caption #89
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:28Caption #134
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:27Caption #40
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:25Caption #109
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:24Caption #846
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:23Caption #651
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:22Caption #558
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:21Caption #407
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:19Caption #812
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:18Caption #40
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:17Caption #408
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:16Caption #496
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:15Caption #608
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:14Caption #2
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:13Caption #409
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:12Caption #597
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:10Caption #437
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:09Caption #763
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:07Caption #41
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:05Caption #399
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:03Caption #287
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:01Caption #766
Mr. NonameLurker04:49:00Caption #593
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:58Caption #772
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:57Caption #767
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:56Caption #51
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:54Caption #61
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:53Caption #674
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:52Caption #388
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:51Caption #498
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:50Caption #807
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:49Caption #835
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:48Caption #429
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:47Caption #860
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:45Caption #188
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:43Caption #316
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:42Caption #513
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:41Caption #777
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:40Caption #253
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:37Caption #554
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:34Caption #374
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:33Caption #154
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:30Caption #136
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:29Caption #517
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:28Caption #621
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:26Caption #623
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:25Caption #681
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:24Caption #329
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:22Caption #658
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:21Caption #664
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:17Caption #689
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:16Caption #732
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:14Caption #837
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:13Caption #397
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:10Caption #463
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:09Caption #658
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:08Caption #443
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:05Caption #772
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:03Caption #511
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:01Caption #188
Mr. NonameLurker04:48:00Caption #6
Mr. NonameLurker04:47:59Caption #235

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