[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos GUEST DAY! - 07/29/2003 by Zathras
<--  First Choose an alternative caption:  > Last   -->-->

Wizard of Oz 2k3 will be a complete re-imagining of the original, bringing it up to the uncompromising standards of todays hip audiences.

Just wait till you see what we have lined up instead of the "Horse of a different color"

and Dorothy is definitely not from Kansas anymore!


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker19:52:49drooled over #0
Mr. NonameLurker11:59:51drooled over #0
Mr. NonameLurker14:13:00drooled over #2
Mr. NonameLurker06:44:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:25Scrawled on the board

Current Users

There have been 204 users in the last 10 minutes.
Mr. NonameLurker22:26:15Caption #-9
Mr. NonameLurker22:26:13Caption #50
Mr. NonameLurker22:26:12Caption #456
Mr. NonameLurker22:26:10Caption #107
Mr. NonameLurker22:26:05Caption #208
Mr. NonameLurker22:26:02Caption #363
Mr. NonameLurker22:26:00Caption #535
Mr. NonameLurker22:25:59Caption #435
Mr. NonameLurker22:25:58Caption #595
Mr. NonameLurker22:25:57Caption #869
Mr. NonameLurker22:25:56Caption #345
Mr. NonameLurker22:25:50Caption #313
Mr. NonameLurker22:25:49Caption #65
Mr. NonameLurker22:25:45Caption #369
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Mr. NonameLurker22:25:43Caption #197
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Mr. NonameLurker22:25:37Caption #564
Mr. NonameLurker22:25:35Caption #927
Mr. NonameLurker22:25:30Caption #202
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Mr. NonameLurker22:25:26Caption #518
Mr. NonameLurker22:25:25Caption #242
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Mr. NonameLurker22:25:00Caption #521
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:57Caption #396
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:56Caption #184
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Mr. NonameLurker22:24:47Caption #193
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:44Caption #326
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:43Caption #91
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Mr. NonameLurker22:24:33Caption #185
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Mr. NonameLurker22:24:27Caption #197
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:26Caption #792
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:23Caption #176
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:20Caption #198
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:16Caption #73
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:15Caption #92
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:13Caption #138
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Mr. NonameLurker22:24:06Caption #709
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:05Caption #76
Mr. NonameLurker22:24:00Caption #367
Mr. NonameLurker22:23:58Caption #109
Mr. NonameLurker22:23:57Caption #84
Mr. NonameLurker22:23:56Caption #-26
Mr. NonameLurker22:23:53Caption #412
Mr. NonameLurker22:23:51Caption #760
Mr. NonameLurker22:23:45Caption #196
Mr. NonameLurker22:23:40Caption #318
Mr. NonameLurker22:23:35Caption #12
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Mr. NonameLurker22:23:27Caption #443
Mr. NonameLurker22:23:26Caption #207
Mr. NonameLurker22:23:25Caption #133
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Mr. NonameLurker22:23:17Caption #380
Mr. NonameLurker22:23:16Caption #104
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Mr. NonameLurker22:22:46Caption #746
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Mr. NonameLurker22:22:40Caption #768
Mr. NonameLurker22:22:37Caption #285
Mr. NonameLurker22:22:36Caption #59
Mr. NonameLurker22:22:31Caption #99
Mr. NonameLurker22:22:29Caption #941
Mr. NonameLurker22:22:25Caption #511
Mr. NonameLurker22:22:24Caption #211
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Mr. NonameLurker22:22:12Caption #52
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Mr. NonameLurker22:22:07Caption #438
Mr. NonameLurker22:22:04Caption #454
Mr. NonameLurker22:22:02Caption #842
Mr. NonameLurker22:21:59Caption #1
Mr. NonameLurker22:21:58Caption #335
Mr. NonameLurker22:21:51Caption #637
Mr. NonameLurker22:21:46Caption #404
Mr. NonameLurker22:21:45Caption #582
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Mr. NonameLurker22:21:42Caption #599
Mr. NonameLurker22:21:41Caption #376
Mr. NonameLurker22:21:37Caption #98
Mr. NonameLurker22:21:36Caption #302
Mr. NonameLurker22:21:34Caption #190
Mr. NonameLurker22:21:33Caption #351
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Mr. NonameLurker22:20:52Caption #466
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Mr. NonameLurker22:20:48Caption #359
Mr. NonameLurker22:20:47Caption #945
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Mr. NonameLurker22:20:44Caption #173
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Mr. NonameLurker22:20:40Caption #434
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Mr. NonameLurker22:20:29Caption #207
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Mr. NonameLurker22:20:02Caption #646
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:57Caption #749
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Mr. NonameLurker22:19:47Caption #657
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:46Caption #157
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:44Caption #87
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:38Caption #25
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:37Caption #919
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:34Caption #656
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:31Caption #365
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:26Caption #335
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:21Caption #651
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:20Caption #356
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:16Caption #317
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:15Caption #17
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:14Caption #287
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:13Caption #359
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:12Caption #119
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:11Caption #737
Mr. NonameLurker22:19:04Caption #739
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:59Caption #127
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:49Caption #782
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:45Caption #255
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:44Caption #689
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:39Caption #815
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:32Caption #282
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:26Caption #590
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:25Caption #747
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:24Caption #33
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:19Caption #631
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:18Caption #57
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:17Caption #333
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:16Caption #896
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:15Caption #313
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:14Caption #563
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Mr. NonameLurker22:18:08Caption #143
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:04Caption #401
Mr. NonameLurker22:18:03Caption #723
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:59Caption #177
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:57Caption #767
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:55Caption #645
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:54Caption #193
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:48Caption #888
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:45Caption #757
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:44Caption #686
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:43Caption #731
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:41Caption #282
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:40Caption #100
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:37Caption #247
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:36Caption #515
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:30Caption #315
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:27Caption #768
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:24Caption #660
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:23Caption #92
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:20Caption #259
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:16Caption #212
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:11Caption #488
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:07Caption #596
Mr. NonameLurker22:17:00Caption #345
Mr. NonameLurker22:16:51Caption #495
Mr. NonameLurker22:16:45Caption #41
Mr. NonameLurker22:16:42Caption #161
Mr. NonameLurker22:16:41Caption #196
Mr. NonameLurker22:16:36Caption #756
Mr. NonameLurker22:16:26Caption #338
Mr. NonameLurker22:16:25Caption #30
Mr. NonameLurker22:16:19Caption #380

Board [Post Message]

The winner is


The alternative captions ranged from kind of good to pretty good, no one caption really stood out today. Zathras's caption got the most response which tipped the balance in his direction, hopefully next week we will have better images to write captions for.

There are 6 messages for this day.
<Mort> Just one animal picture this time, but at least you have Britney to play with.

There was a photo of a pimp I was hoping would come into the top three and replace the bear, but it was not to be.

I guess the Pimp didn't want to be Britney slapped.

<Blue> You broke your own formating rules Mort
The rainbow makes everyone think of Noah, the purple bear implies mutation and britney just makes tissues scarce in my house.
<Mort> I also just noticed I said it was German week day 3 in the blob, so much for copy and paste... Bah!
<Bob Corr> And on the thirty ninth day, God shone down his Super Collossal Hyper Love Ray (TM) on the mutant panda's third rib and made Himself a nice snack for after tea.
<Fwee> Bob Corr - You are meant to add that as an alternative caption
<craigory the Krugg> The rain had just passed and the day began as per usual. I was still in jail, still in bad taste... and I stil have *no* realistic chance to sleep with this woman.

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