Generic. Hmm... when I am made a general, I'll change my name to Eric, that's a promise.
I'm not here today, well yes I am here today, but I am not here _TODAY_. Going away for the weekend, scurrying forth.
Can humans scurry? A friend whom I trust, who knows some things, told me once: "Omg! You totally need four legs to scurry!" (Do chanting hindu valley girls say "OMMMMM G?"). We were talking about algebra at the time, but that's how we normally talk. She starts a story, which I soon derail with a pertinent question about making clothes out of bacon. She interjects my bacon query with her own quirk: bondage burgers -- meat, fries and a whipping. Forty minutes later she ends her story, which could be compactly stated as: "I went to the library and took out a book".
Which brings me back to my point, that I am not here this weekend, so enjoy.