[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 06/14/2004 by Mort
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I woke up this morning wanting to kill everything in the world,

like some kinda wild animal, giving anything that stood in my way a good licking,

but all I really want is a hug.


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker03:38:12Caption #331
Mr. NonameLurker03:38:11Caption #440
Mr. NonameLurker03:38:10Caption #672
Mr. NonameLurker03:38:09Caption #381
Mr. NonameLurker03:38:08Caption #197
Mr. NonameLurker03:38:07Caption #13
Mr. NonameLurker03:38:06Caption #528
Mr. NonameLurker03:38:05Caption #165
Mr. NonameLurker03:38:03Caption #313
Mr. NonameLurker03:38:02Caption #674
Mr. NonameLurker03:38:01Caption #1
Mr. NonameLurker03:38:00Caption #191
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:59Caption #511
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:58Caption #0
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:57Caption #191
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:56Caption #145
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:55Caption #581
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:54Caption #830
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:53Caption #932
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:52Caption #155
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:51Caption #751
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:50Caption #72
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:49Caption #724
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:48Caption #497
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:47Caption #-30
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:46Caption #522
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:45Caption #913
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:44Caption #671
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:43Caption #54
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:42Caption #41
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:41Caption #783
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:40Caption #635
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:39Caption #299
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:38Caption #986
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:37Caption #306
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:36Caption #47
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:35Caption #280
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:34Caption #681
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:33Caption #616
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:32Caption #738
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:31Caption #808
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:30Caption #369
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:29Caption #573
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:28Caption #674
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:27Caption #244
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:26Caption #317
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:25Caption #7
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:24Caption #783
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:23Caption #51
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:22Caption #200
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:21Caption #445
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:20Caption #527
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:19Caption #394
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:18Caption #424
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:17Caption #789
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:16Caption #244
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:15Caption #194
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:14Caption #268
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:13Caption #692
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:12Caption #622
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:11Caption #368
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:10Caption #532
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:09Caption #79
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:08Caption #331
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:07Caption #557
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:06Caption #835
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Mr. NonameLurker03:37:04Caption #422
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:03Caption #57
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:02Caption #716
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:01Caption #397
Mr. NonameLurker03:37:00Caption #534
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:59Caption #710
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:58Caption #534
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:57Caption #465
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:56Caption #544
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:55Caption #712
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:54Caption #236
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:53Caption #591
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:52Caption #449
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:51Caption #129
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:50Caption #732
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:49Caption #251
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:48Caption #168
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:47Caption #807
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:46Caption #419
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:45Caption #250
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:44Caption #16
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:43Caption #606
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:42Caption #765
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:41Caption #675
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:40Caption #675
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:39Caption #648
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:38Caption #803
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:37Caption #217
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:36Caption #184
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:35Caption #535
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:34Caption #328
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:33Caption #779
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:32Caption #538
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:31Caption #901
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:30Caption #273
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:29Caption #269
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:28Caption #422
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:27Caption #836
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:26Caption #172
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:25Caption #872
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:24Caption #538
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:23Caption #170
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:22Caption #67
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:21Caption #864
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:20Caption #698
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:19Caption #672
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:18Caption #665
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:17Caption #108
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:16Caption #780
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:15Caption #56
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:14Caption #301
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:13Caption #222
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:12Caption #13
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:11Caption #71
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:10Caption #566
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:09Caption #558
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:08Caption #863
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:07Caption #190
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:06Caption #695
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:05Caption #49
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:04Caption #119
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:03Caption #520
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:02Caption #162
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:01Caption #377
Mr. NonameLurker03:36:00Caption #635
Mr. NonameLurker03:35:59Caption #87
Mr. NonameLurker03:35:58Caption #419
Mr. NonameLurker03:35:57Caption #563
Mr. NonameLurker03:35:56Caption #135
Mr. NonameLurker03:35:55Caption #666

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