[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 03/24/2004 by Mort
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Even though the sky is now full of "star wars" style satellites with fricking powerful lasers, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was still worried.

He wanted to sink his claws into the sleeping tiger of North Korea,

and continue his personal quest to find Weapons of Mass Destruction.


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker03:30:33Caption #161
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:32Caption #741
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:30Caption #495
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:29Caption #668
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:27Caption #153
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:26Caption #649
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:24Caption #399
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Mr. NonameLurker03:30:22Caption #904
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:21Caption #686
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:20Caption #589
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:18Caption #259
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:17Caption #167
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Mr. NonameLurker03:30:13Caption #880
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:12Caption #301
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:11Caption #477
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:10Caption #396
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:09Caption #655
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:06Caption #291
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:03Caption #45
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:02Caption #-79
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:01Caption #595
Mr. NonameLurker03:30:00Caption #347
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:59Caption #714
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:58Caption #-80
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:57Caption #433
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:56Caption #105
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:55Caption #816
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:54Caption #170
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:53Caption #218
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:52Caption #809
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:50Caption #-80
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:49Caption #633
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:47Caption #217
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:46Caption #449
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:43Caption #890
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Mr. NonameLurker03:29:40Caption #212
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:39Caption #600
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:38Caption #612
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:37Caption #211
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Mr. NonameLurker03:29:34Caption #232
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:32Caption #168
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Mr. NonameLurker03:29:30Caption #994
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:29Caption #251
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:28Caption #126
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:27Caption #55
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:26Caption #723
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:25Caption #173
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:24Caption #129
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:23Caption #324
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:22Caption #505
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Mr. NonameLurker03:29:18Caption #205
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:16Caption #811
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:15Caption #592
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:14Caption #95
Mr. NonameLurker03:29:13Caption #154
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Mr. NonameLurker03:29:09Main Page
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Mr. NonameLurker03:29:02Caption #623
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Mr. NonameLurker03:28:52Caption #377
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Mr. NonameLurker03:28:49Caption #579
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Mr. NonameLurker03:28:47Caption #177
Mr. NonameLurker03:28:46Caption #723
Mr. NonameLurker03:28:42Caption #906
Mr. NonameLurker03:28:41Caption #721
Mr. NonameLurker03:28:40Caption #377
Mr. NonameLurker03:28:40Caption #156
Mr. NonameLurker03:28:38Caption #785
Mr. NonameLurker03:28:37Caption #826
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Mr. NonameLurker03:28:22Caption #669
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Mr. NonameLurker03:28:18Caption #397
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Mr. NonameLurker03:28:14Caption #111
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Mr. NonameLurker03:28:04Caption #46
Mr. NonameLurker03:28:03Caption #348
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Mr. NonameLurker03:28:01Caption #234
Mr. NonameLurker03:28:00Caption #172
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Mr. NonameLurker03:27:40Caption #169
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Mr. NonameLurker03:27:37Caption #747
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Mr. NonameLurker03:27:34Caption #857
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Mr. NonameLurker03:27:31Caption #131
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:30Caption #139
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:29Caption #544
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:28Caption #622
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:26Caption #168
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:25Caption #325
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:23Caption #54
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:22Caption #169
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:21Caption #70
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:19Caption #393
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:18Caption #129
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:17Caption #118
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:16Caption #728
Mr. NonameLurker03:27:14Caption #854

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