[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos GUEST DAY! - 07/27/2004 by Luminaire
<--  First Choose an alternative caption:  > Last   -->-->

I can't bear bad puns!

I've seed some pretty bad puns in my day, but if I come across another blooming pun, I'm just going to leaf!

I tell you, it's pandamonium!!


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker19:52:49drooled over #0
Mr. NonameLurker11:59:51drooled over #0
Mr. NonameLurker14:13:00drooled over #2
Mr. NonameLurker06:44:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:25Scrawled on the board

Current Users

There have been 277 users in the last 10 minutes.
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:55Caption #-23
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:54Caption #361
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:52Caption #411
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:48Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:47Caption #265
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:44Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:40Caption #0
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Mr. NonameLurker02:50:36Caption #0
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Mr. NonameLurker02:50:31Caption #472
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:28Caption #811
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:25Caption #166
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:24Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:20Caption #395
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Mr. NonameLurker02:50:16Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:14Caption #397
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:12Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:11Caption #352
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Mr. NonameLurker02:50:04Caption #674
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Mr. NonameLurker02:49:44Caption #905
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:42Caption #678
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:41Caption #751
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:40Caption #895
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:37Caption #905
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:36Caption #896
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:34Caption #684
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:32Caption #236
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Mr. NonameLurker02:49:27Caption #835
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:25Caption #624
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:24Caption #238
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:23Caption #643
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:20Caption #897
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Mr. NonameLurker02:49:02Caption #26
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:01Caption #161
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:00Caption #94
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:56Caption #95
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:54Caption #474
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:52Caption #236
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:49Caption #7
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:48Caption #95
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:46Caption #709
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:44Caption #139
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Mr. NonameLurker02:48:37Caption #447
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:36Caption #237
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:33Caption #140
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:32Caption #238
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Mr. NonameLurker02:48:26Caption #325
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:24Caption #239
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:22Caption #149
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:21Caption #581
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Mr. NonameLurker02:48:14Caption #191
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Mr. NonameLurker02:47:52Caption #563
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:49Caption #670
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:48Caption #564
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:44Caption #702
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Mr. NonameLurker02:47:37Caption #838
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Mr. NonameLurker02:47:34Caption #295
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:32Caption #684
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:31Caption #569
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:29Caption #140
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:28Caption #783
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:25Caption #684
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:24Caption #554
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:20Caption #783
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:18Caption #828
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:16Caption #556
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:12Caption #133
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:10Caption #556
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:08Caption #336
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Mr. NonameLurker02:46:57Caption #337
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Mr. NonameLurker02:46:53Caption #226
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Mr. NonameLurker02:46:48Caption #903
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:47Caption #518
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:44Caption #904
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:42Caption #223
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:41Caption #714
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:40Caption #905
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:38Caption #192
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:36Caption #137
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:35Caption #905
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:34Caption #738
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:32Caption #138
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:29Caption #930
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:28Caption #139
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:24Caption #140
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:23Caption #49
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:20Caption #141
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:19Caption #804
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:18Caption #884
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:16Caption #142
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:14Caption #373
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:12Caption #143
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:11Caption #264
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:08Caption #144
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:05Caption #333
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:04Caption #145
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:02Caption #74
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:00Caption #-16
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:57Caption #499
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:56Caption #-17
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:52Caption #208
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:49Caption #6
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:48Caption #647
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:47Caption #205
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:46Caption #11
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:44Caption #209
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:41Caption #811
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:40Caption #647
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:37Caption #373
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:36Caption #211
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:35Caption #706
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:32Caption #212
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:29Caption #430
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:28Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:24Caption #63
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:23Caption #-64
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:21Caption #714
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:20Caption #0
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:16Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:13Caption #98
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:12Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:08Caption #213
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:07Caption #711
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:06Caption #-31
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:04Caption #-18
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:00Caption #213
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:58Caption #495
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:57Caption #855
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:56Caption #-20
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:52Caption #-21
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:51Caption #837
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:50Caption #373
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:45Caption #93
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:44Caption #712
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:40Caption #735
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:38Caption #746
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:36Caption #736
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:32Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:30Caption #495
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:29Caption #736
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:28Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:27Caption #51
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:26Caption #284
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:24Caption #0
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:23Caption #842
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:21Caption #469
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:20Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:16Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:15Caption #252
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:13Caption #43
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:12Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:08Caption #-22
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:06Caption #466
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:05Caption #825
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:04Caption #665
Mr. NonameLurker02:44:00Caption #207
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:58Caption #311
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:56Caption #208
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:52Caption #209
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:48Caption #210
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:45Caption #294
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:44Caption #211
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:40Caption #212
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:36Caption #213
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:35Caption #172
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:34Caption #707
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:32Caption #214
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:29Caption #373
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:28Caption #215
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:25Caption #591
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:24Caption #644
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:23Caption #465
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:22Caption #813
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:21Caption #477
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:20Caption #645
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:18Caption #773
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:16Caption #373
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:14Caption #767
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:12Caption #19
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:11Caption #88
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:10Caption #430
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:09Caption #895
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:08Caption #18
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:07Caption #373
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:04Caption #17
Mr. NonameLurker02:43:00Caption #33
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:56Caption #34
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:54Caption #529
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:52Caption #35
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:48Caption #36
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:45Caption #773
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:44Caption #37
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:40Caption #38
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:36Caption #39
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:35Caption #145
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:34Caption #812
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:32Caption #40
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:28Caption #67
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:25Caption #712
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:24Caption #218
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:22Caption #645
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:20Caption #69
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:17Caption #898
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:16Caption #70
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:12Caption #71
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:08Caption #156
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:05Caption #568
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:04Caption #41
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:03Caption #626
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:02Caption #72
Mr. NonameLurker02:42:00Caption #42
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:58Caption #742
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:56Caption #43
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:55Caption #884
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:54Caption #796
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:52Caption #44
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:48Caption #45
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:44Caption #187
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:41Caption #597
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:40Caption #47
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:36Caption #413
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:33Caption #505
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:32Caption #49
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:29Caption #313
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:28Caption #50
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:24Caption #51
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:22Caption #688
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:20Caption #52
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:18Caption #952
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:16Caption #53
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:14Caption #174
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:12Caption #16
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:11Caption #615
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:10Caption #53
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:08Caption #15
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:06Caption #518
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:04Caption #14
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:02Caption #819
Mr. NonameLurker02:41:00Caption #13
Mr. NonameLurker02:40:58Caption #229
Mr. NonameLurker02:40:56Caption #12

Board [Post Message]

This week's evil overlording head of sunflower is:


The freshly stuffed panda bears are: Axolotl, Morgus and David Byrden.

There are 14 messages for this day.
<Mort> Still no internet :(
<David Byrden> Hey, geeks, guess what? I'm teaching people XSLT right now! Talk about coincidence (from yesterday)
<guyPaulo> Let's make with the comments people....
<JulieK> This one will be easy (birthday panda I love you)
<guyPaulo> This would make a great photo for mep I think:
<superwoman biatch> Oh that is just so wrong what they did to the baboon...Makes one wonder..what did they do when the camera wasn't around???
<Luminaire> I wonder if that's a boy baboon.
<guyPaulo> Dance, monkey! Dance!
<mypalmike> It's not a boy baboon. It's guy's mom.
<superwoman biatch> 'Ya know I like the familiar saying...if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all. Someone needs a refresher.
<mypalmike> Oops. Sorry. Biatch.
<superwoman biatch> No, wasn't talking about you mypalmike...I like you and can take any critique you might have...it is someone else.
<superwoman biatch> That's ok because he/she/it will feel my wrath tomorrow...I didn't come up with the name superwoman biatch for nothing!! ;)
<mypalmike> I thought you meant I shouldn't say guy's mom looks like a baboon.

Post message:

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