From the school of listing random dictionary word poetry.
This might be a good time for the Triumph the Insult Dog theme day.
There are 7 messages for this day. |
<guyPaulo> YYEESS!!!! I've been waiting for a Triumph day for a ling time! Of course, you've taken the best gag so far.... |
<Kumiho> ling time? is that related to a long time?
<ajiav> Main Entry: 1ling Pronunciation: 'li[ng] Function: noun Etymology: Middle English; akin to Dutch leng ling, Old English lang long 1 : any of various fishes (as a hake or burbot) of the cod family 2 : LINGCOD |
<ajiav> I have been waiting for a Triumph day for a codfish time! |
<superwoman biatch> I LOVE IT!!! He has been so concerned that I was picking on him here!! Hah, hah, see honey it isn't just me that loves to pick on 'ya. |
<guyPaulo> Well, we've got a couple wiseguys in here, I see. |
<ajiav> d'oh...sorry. |