[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 09/05/2003 by Mort
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Why lie? The truth is there for anyone to see. I'd be a bum if I didn't admit to it.

This website annoys the hell out of me. It's awesome, but it is the kind of like driving a car full throttle into the sea. It's all plain sailing in the shallows, but as soon as the water hits the engine it burns out and sinks, and everyone dies a painful drowning death.

So don't forget COME BACK SOON!


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker19:52:49drooled over #0
Mr. NonameLurker11:59:51drooled over #0
Mr. NonameLurker14:13:00drooled over #2
Mr. NonameLurker06:44:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker19:25:25Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker02:55:20Caption #543
Mr. NonameLurker02:55:17Caption #133
Mr. NonameLurker02:55:13Caption #134
Mr. NonameLurker02:55:11Caption #17
Mr. NonameLurker02:55:10Caption #11
Mr. NonameLurker02:55:09Caption #135
Mr. NonameLurker02:55:05Caption #205
Mr. NonameLurker02:55:04Caption #398
Mr. NonameLurker02:55:01Caption #754
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:59Caption #691
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:58Caption #690
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:57Caption #745
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:53Caption #746
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:49Caption #286
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:46Caption #746
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:45Caption #717
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:41Caption #374
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:37Caption #379
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:33Caption #264
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:29Caption #265
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:27Caption #343
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:25Caption #767
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:21Caption #768
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:17Caption #640
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:13Caption #424
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:09Caption #425
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:05Caption #32
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:01Caption #33
Mr. NonameLurker02:54:00Caption #906
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:58Caption #698
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:57Caption #34
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:54Caption #202
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:53Caption #35
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:49Caption #36
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:45Caption #37
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:41Caption #291
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:37Caption #846
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:34Caption #655
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:33Caption #848
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:32Caption #3
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:29Caption #541
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:27Caption #441
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:25Caption #542
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:21Caption #543
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:20Caption #405
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:17Caption #817
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:13Caption #521
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:09Caption #142
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:05Caption #48
Mr. NonameLurker02:53:01Caption #437
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:58Caption #694
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:57Caption #697
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:53Caption #676
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:50Caption #640
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:49Caption #677
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:47Caption #519
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:46Caption #613
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:45Caption #678
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:41Caption #679
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:39Caption #461
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:38Caption #363
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:37Caption #680
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:33Caption #675
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:29Caption #681
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:25Caption #675
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:21Caption #419
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:20Caption #337
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:17Caption #373
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:13Caption #62
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:09Caption #63
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:05Caption #541
Mr. NonameLurker02:52:01Caption #533
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:57Caption #829
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:53Caption #485
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:49Caption #485
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:45Caption #486
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:41Caption #486
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:38Caption #486
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:37Caption #487
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:34Caption #15
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:33Caption #488
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:32Caption #5
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:29Caption #489
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:25Caption #852
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:21Caption #248
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:17Caption #273
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:13Caption #382
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:09Caption #523
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:07Caption #828
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:05Caption #83
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:02Caption #618
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:01Caption #84
Mr. NonameLurker02:51:00Caption #943
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:57Caption #85
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:56Caption #700
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:53Caption #830
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:49Caption #535
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:45Caption #536
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:41Caption #537
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:37Caption #282
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:34Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:33Caption #537
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:29Caption #538
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:27Caption #737
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:21Caption #539
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:17Caption #540
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:13Caption #541
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:09Caption #46
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:05Caption #513
Mr. NonameLurker02:50:01Caption #511
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:57Caption #512
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:56Caption #696
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:54Caption #48
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:53Caption #475
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:49Caption #69
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:45Caption #70
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:42Caption #324
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:41Caption #71
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:38Caption #161
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:37Caption #-89
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:34Caption #845
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:33Caption #-90
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:29Caption #244
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:25Caption #245
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:24Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:22Caption #594
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:21Caption #911
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:18Caption #817
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Mr. NonameLurker02:49:13Caption #912
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:11Caption #227
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Mr. NonameLurker02:49:08Caption #912
Mr. NonameLurker02:49:05Caption #427
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Mr. NonameLurker02:48:57Caption #429
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:56Caption #691
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:53Caption #430
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:49Caption #695
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:48Caption #653
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:46Caption #430
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:45Caption #510
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:41Caption #696
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:39Caption #510
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:37Caption #517
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:33Caption #969
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:29Caption #970
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:26Caption #785
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:25Caption #403
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:21Caption #404
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:17Caption #971
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:14Caption #404
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:13Caption #972
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:09Caption #740
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:06Caption #972
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:05Caption #598
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:01Caption #599
Mr. NonameLurker02:48:00Caption #380
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:58Caption #770
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:57Caption #561
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:55Caption #585
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:53Caption #562
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:49Caption #563
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:45Caption #178
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:42Caption #8
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:41Caption #353
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:38Caption #5
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:37Caption #565
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:34Caption #353
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:33Caption #566
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:29Caption #567
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:25Caption #568
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:23Caption #616
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:21Caption #796
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:17Caption #797
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:14Caption #850
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:13Caption #798
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:09Caption #799
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:05Caption #800
Mr. NonameLurker02:47:01Caption #801
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:57Caption #802
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:55Caption #606
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:54Caption #821
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:53Caption #569
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:52Caption #802
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:49Caption #415
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:45Caption #416
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:41Caption #901
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:39Caption #416
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:37Caption #353
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:33Caption #637
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:31Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:29Caption #682
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:28Caption #286
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:26Main Page
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:25Caption #638
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:22Caption #196
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:21Caption #110
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:17Caption #568
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:13Caption #387
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:09Caption #274
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:07Caption #705
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:05Caption #275
Mr. NonameLurker02:46:01Caption #276
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:57Caption #277
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:54Caption #477
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:53Caption #687
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:49Caption #279
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:45Caption #475
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:41Caption #721
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:40Caption #476
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:37Caption #402
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:36Caption #721
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:33Caption #317
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:29Caption #318
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:28Caption #139
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:25Caption #225
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:22Caption #0
Mr. NonameLurker02:45:21Caption #226

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