Oh mannnnn... when I was a young septagenarian I used to smoke the good shit all the time. Here's me in 1994 at the Bread and Puppet festival.
I pretended I was a supermodel, travelling to Mexico and Spain, writing all this wierd psychedelic music.
This is the cover to an album I produced, called, "My Man Don't Need no Turtle Eggs."
But it took just one acid trip to bring me back to reality, the way the world really is, man.
You can't stay young forever!
The challenge was to take the top 3
emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about
the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.
Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.
All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.