[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 05/19/2004 by Mort
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Whoever said that a little oil wasn't good for the animals, ain't seen what I seen.

What else would the Taiwanese chef use to fuel his truck to save these rare turtles from the dangerous sea?

With no oil we couldn't make the plastic of the boom box so that this monkey could listen to "I'm too sexy for my shirt" again and again and again.


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker01:05:26Caption #842
Mr. NonameLurker01:05:25Caption #358
Mr. NonameLurker01:05:24Caption #720
Mr. NonameLurker01:05:20Caption #839
Mr. NonameLurker01:05:15Caption #197
Mr. NonameLurker01:05:14Caption #67
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Mr. NonameLurker01:05:06Caption #65
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Mr. NonameLurker01:04:50Caption #582
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Mr. NonameLurker01:04:43Caption #364
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Mr. NonameLurker01:04:36Caption #863
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Mr. NonameLurker01:04:18Caption #738
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Mr. NonameLurker01:03:48Caption #815
Mr. NonameLurker01:03:46Caption #358
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Mr. NonameLurker01:03:05Caption #66
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Mr. NonameLurker01:02:54Caption #115
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Mr. NonameLurker01:02:50Caption #43
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Mr. NonameLurker01:02:15Caption #14
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Mr. NonameLurker01:01:54Caption #761
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Mr. NonameLurker01:01:29Caption #24
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Mr. NonameLurker01:01:20Caption #806
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Mr. NonameLurker01:01:07Caption #973
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Mr. NonameLurker01:00:34Caption #176
Mr. NonameLurker01:00:25Caption #392
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Mr. NonameLurker00:59:46Main Page
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Mr. NonameLurker00:59:24Caption #966
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Mr. NonameLurker00:57:14Caption #787
Mr. NonameLurker00:57:09Caption #14
Mr. NonameLurker00:57:05Caption #647
Mr. NonameLurker00:57:04Caption #442
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Mr. NonameLurker00:57:00Caption #387
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Mr. NonameLurker00:56:58Caption #882
Mr. NonameLurker00:56:50Caption #134
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Mr. NonameLurker00:56:47Caption #418
Mr. NonameLurker00:56:43Caption #51
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Mr. NonameLurker00:56:38Caption #399
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Mr. NonameLurker00:56:26Caption #228
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Mr. NonameLurker00:56:23Caption #110
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Mr. NonameLurker00:56:20Caption #341
Mr. NonameLurker00:56:19Caption #137
Mr. NonameLurker00:56:18Caption #448
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Mr. NonameLurker00:56:14Caption #862
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Mr. NonameLurker00:56:10Caption #366
Mr. NonameLurker00:56:04Caption #14
Mr. NonameLurker00:56:03Caption #101
Mr. NonameLurker00:56:01Caption #130
Mr. NonameLurker00:56:00Caption #172
Mr. NonameLurker00:55:52Caption #119
Mr. NonameLurker00:55:51Caption #556
Mr. NonameLurker00:55:48Caption #425
Mr. NonameLurker00:55:47Caption #921
Mr. NonameLurker00:55:46Caption #911
Mr. NonameLurker00:55:44Caption #658
Mr. NonameLurker00:55:43Caption #735
Mr. NonameLurker00:55:39Caption #446
Mr. NonameLurker00:55:38Caption #218
Mr. NonameLurker00:55:33Caption #409

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