[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - 07/15/2003 by Mort
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Every year Bob tried his best to get onto his college's synchronized swimming team, but every year he was turned down. It was always the same biased excuses that kept him off the team:
'Your back is too hairy', they explained one year.
'You have a ying yang', the next.
'Your bottom is not pert enough', in his final year.

Although discouraged he searched for a way to put out the sexist fire that raged within the swim bitches closed minds.

On his way back from another pointless swim team tryout Bob was distracted by a poster of Seigfried and Roy.

His love for synchronized swimming was soon overpowered for his new obsession to frolic with big gay cats.


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker02:31:39Caption #360
Mr. NonameLurker02:31:38Caption #98
Mr. NonameLurker02:31:34Caption #421
Mr. NonameLurker02:31:29Caption #327
Mr. NonameLurker02:31:28Caption #470
Mr. NonameLurker02:31:25Caption #918
Mr. NonameLurker02:31:24Caption #463
Mr. NonameLurker02:31:20Caption #250
Mr. NonameLurker02:31:19Caption #872
Mr. NonameLurker02:31:16Caption #567
Mr. NonameLurker02:31:14Caption #441
Mr. NonameLurker02:31:12Caption #808
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Mr. NonameLurker02:30:36Caption #547
Mr. NonameLurker02:30:30Caption #347
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Mr. NonameLurker02:30:25Caption #737
Mr. NonameLurker02:30:23Caption #416
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Mr. NonameLurker02:29:44Caption #359
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Mr. NonameLurker02:29:34Caption #76
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Mr. NonameLurker02:29:25Caption #527
Mr. NonameLurker02:29:22Caption #828
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Mr. NonameLurker02:29:18Caption #875
Mr. NonameLurker02:29:15Caption #730
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Mr. NonameLurker02:29:13Caption #444
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Mr. NonameLurker02:28:18Caption #839
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Mr. NonameLurker02:27:38Caption #123
Mr. NonameLurker02:27:32Caption #186
Mr. NonameLurker02:27:22Caption #169
Mr. NonameLurker02:27:16Caption #563
Mr. NonameLurker02:27:14Caption #248
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Mr. NonameLurker02:26:37Caption #867
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Mr. NonameLurker02:25:45Caption #285
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Mr. NonameLurker02:25:30Caption #147
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Mr. NonameLurker02:25:17Caption #438
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Mr. NonameLurker02:25:02Caption #333
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Mr. NonameLurker02:24:30Caption #114
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Mr. NonameLurker02:24:22Caption #538
Mr. NonameLurker02:24:21Caption #876
Mr. NonameLurker02:24:19Caption #865
Mr. NonameLurker02:24:18Caption #578
Mr. NonameLurker02:24:17Caption #877
Mr. NonameLurker02:24:14Caption #245
Mr. NonameLurker02:24:08Caption #11
Mr. NonameLurker02:24:07Caption #167
Mr. NonameLurker02:24:01Caption #396
Mr. NonameLurker02:23:56Caption #433
Mr. NonameLurker02:23:53Caption #372
Mr. NonameLurker02:23:52Caption #729
Mr. NonameLurker02:23:49Caption #719
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Mr. NonameLurker02:23:43Caption #733
Mr. NonameLurker02:23:41Caption #557
Mr. NonameLurker02:23:32Caption #193
Mr. NonameLurker02:23:29Caption #738
Mr. NonameLurker02:23:19Caption #889
Mr. NonameLurker02:23:18Caption #133
Mr. NonameLurker02:23:13Caption #158
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Mr. NonameLurker02:22:57Caption #491
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:56Caption #566
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:49Caption #418
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:44Caption #65
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:42Caption #465
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:39Caption #287
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:38Caption #565
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:34Caption #110
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:30Caption #805
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:28Caption #299
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:27Caption #460
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:16Caption #136
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:11Caption #584
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:04Caption #295
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:02Caption #929
Mr. NonameLurker02:22:00Caption #439
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:58Caption #404
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:57Caption #322
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:54Caption #415
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:53Caption #303
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:52Caption #58
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:49Caption #337
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:48Caption #145
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:47Caption #165
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:46Caption #671
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:45Caption #596
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:44Caption #681
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:43Caption #306
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:42Caption #322
Mr. NonameLurker02:21:40Caption #548

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