[Most Emailed Photos] [Most Fortunate Fortune]

Most Emailed Photos - META DAY - 04/21/2004 by Mort
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Doctor Roger Mexico was not his real name, it was just what his clients came to call him. His unethical and frankly mad cosmetic surgery experiments in the eighties had led to his license being revoked and the setting up of his chop shop in Tijuana.

Carol, short on funds, desperately called upon Doctor Mexico to increase the size of her "twins".

She understood true horror when she woke up to find out her twins were now 3Suns and Obtuse.


The challenge was to take the top 3 most emailed photos on yahoo and create a hopefully amusing story about the sequence. I reserve the right to refuse a disturbing picture, this includes any pictures of celine dion.

Please feel free to add alternative captions if you can or comments if you can't.

All rights to the photos belong to the companies in brackets beneath them. All text, concepts and layout is copyright Mort 2003-2007.


These 5 things happened most recently.
Mr. NonameLurker07:14:24Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:12:32Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:10:49Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:09:59Scrawled on the board
Mr. NonameLurker07:07:47Scrawled on the board

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Mr. NonameLurker20:36:25Caption #338
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:24Caption #557
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:23Caption #420
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:22Caption #817
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:21Caption #816
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:20Caption #678
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:19Caption #850
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:18Caption #306
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:17Caption #478
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:16Caption #175
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:15Caption #627
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:14Caption #816
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:13Caption #466
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:12Caption #92
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:11Caption #82
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:10Caption #376
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:09Caption #554
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:08Caption #724
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:07Caption #250
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:06Caption #551
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:05Caption #222
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:04Caption #298
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:03Caption #676
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:02Caption #30
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:01Caption #543
Mr. NonameLurker20:36:00Caption #916
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:59Caption #671
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:58Caption #266
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:57Caption #439
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:56Caption #516
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:55Caption #857
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:54Caption #437
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:53Caption #442
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:52Caption #79
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:51Caption #596
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:50Caption #811
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:49Caption #92
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:48Caption #787
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:47Caption #680
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:46Caption #376
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:45Caption #736
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:44Caption #135
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:43Caption #373
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:42Caption #692
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:41Caption #362
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:40Caption #67
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:39Caption #377
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:38Caption #693
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:37Caption #302
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:36Caption #324
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:35Caption #94
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:34Caption #409
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:33Caption #728
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:32Caption #770
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:31Caption #957
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:30Caption #695
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:29Caption #546
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:28Caption #189
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:27Caption #6
Mr. NonameLurker20:35:26Caption #375

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